
 property-buying training

Making smart property decisions is a skill.

Gain the skills to confidently buy your next property; smarter, cheaper and sooner - all while avoiding stress and costly mistakes.

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We can teach you how.

Level up your property skills

In this training you'll learn how to gain the skills to:

Gain clarity and have an easy, stress-free journey.

Search for your next property efficiently to save you months of time and buy your next property sooner.

How to access pre-market and off-market properties to unlock new opportunities.

Select an ideal location and find the best quality property possible for your budget.

Carry out effective due diligence to avoid making any costly mistakes and dodgy property lemons.

Create and select the right strategy and approach to buy your chosen property for less.

Exactly how to negotiate and use a step-by-step plan to save $1000’s - $10,000s+ off your next purchase.

Get peace of mind you’ve made the smartest decisions for your future.

start learning with our
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Your trainer and quest master:

Greetings, I’m Ken

I help buyers make smart and educated property decisions. 

I’m a buyer’s advocate and property-buying wizard with close to a decade of experience helping hundreds of clients purchase the best quality properties possible across Melbourne.

My specialty is making the property-buying journey smooth, easy and rewarding. Which can seem impossible when it feels like there are unscrupulous sellers, dodgy properties and greedy agents awaiting you at every turn!

But with the right property skills you can outsmart your competition and gain an advantage in your property-buying quest.

Wondering how? Join me in this free training, and I’ll share the EXACT step-by step methods I use for my own clients that you can follow to confidently buy your next property.

See you inside!

- Ken Premtić

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© property skillS 2024